WALT:Choreograph our own dances in our Groups

Today we went down to the hall for our Hip Hop lesson with Jasmine.When we got down stairs we sat down and started recapping about what we have learned so far.The Dance moves we learnt was Smurf,Alf,James Brown and Janet Jackson. Then Jasmine let us go into our groups and she let us Start Choreographing our Dances. In my group I had Aumau and Kensington and we were the Second to go up.We got to dance to a song and we were counted in. In Hip Hop you start your 8 count like this " 5 6 7 8, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" then we carry on. When we had to show our Dance I was very nervous but I tried my best. I think one thing that we could work on next time is maybe is trying to remember our Choreography because we had to start over a few more times. In my group we started with the Drop, then the Milly rock, The Rolly Rolly, The Whip and then Kensington Hit the Quan while me and Aumau did a Dance we didn't know the name to. The advice Jasmine gave us was to try and make it longer in the week that we have left. I enjoyed Hip Hop a lot because I enjoy dancing in my own time. Then when we finally went through the whole class we went up stairs and carried on with our Maths work.
Thank you for reading this far, I hope you have enjoyed reading and please leave me a comment if you have any questions or if I have made any mistakes.