Bonjour and Greetings to you all.
Today i'm blogging about a task that I completed in my Camp Booklet. I chose to do the A-Z camp vocabulary and we had to think about a word that related to camp for every letter of the alphabet. I found this quite challenging because I had to really think about words for some of the letters. I really enjoyed this task because it was really fun thinking of words and having other words pop up in my head. The most words that I had for a letter was 4 and I had that many words for the letters A,M, C & P. I didn't have any words for the letter X because I found it challenging.
Here is what I have written in my book.
A- Archery, Adult Helpers, Abseiling & Achievement
B- Bunk Beds & BMX Track
C- Cabin, Cow Poo, Camp Buddy & Compass
D- Dormitries
E- Exploring
F- Flying Fox & Fia Fia night
H-High Ropes
I-Including Others
J-Jam & Toast
L-Low Ropes
M-More Teamwork, Marshmallows, Movie & Map
P-Participating and Contributing, Percy Jackson Movie, Pool, Parent Helpers
Q-Quality time with others
R-Rifle Range & Reflections
S- Skit
T- Team work
U- Understanding others point of view
V- View
W-Windmills & Working as a group
X- I had none for X
Y- Yelling
Z- Zumba
I think that my next learning steps are to try and think of my own words and not to rely on others so much. Thank you for reading my work and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. Also if you had to work on this task what letters would you find challenging.
IALT:Reflect on the task that I have completed.