
Monday, 25 June 2018

🎈Happy Birthday Losa 🎈

Today is my older Sister's 26 birthday. She has been the best sister in the world because she would buy me a lot of things. I wish her a very Happy Birthday  and I hope she's enjoying her time working with kids. I think one quote that describes my sister is this "There's nobody in the world that knows me better than my sister". I'm thankful for my sister and I hope she is thankful to live for another year. Here is a  another quote for her.
Image result for sister quotes

Thursday, 21 June 2018

☯️ Tai Chi Reflection ☯️

Konichiwa and greetings to you all.
Image result for courageYesterday I have completed a reflection about our Tai Chi lesson with Mr Gordon. Our power word was Courage. Mr Gordon shared a story about how he was the only person that had the courage to knock on the door to ask for the fruit, instead of stealing. I'm looking forward to our next lesson because the Chi Gung helps me to relax. 
Here is my reflection that I have finished and click on the link down below to see it more clearly.


Friday, 15 June 2018

Making connections with Space Technology

Bula Vinaka and greetings to you all.
Image result for space technologyToday I am going to be talking about our Inquiry lesson which was Earth and Beyond. First split ourselves into groups and I grouped up with Grace, Edith & Cerenity. For our lesson we had to pick a Topic and we chose to do Space Technologies. Our task was to think of some questions, that we want to know the answers of and that relate to our Topic. One thing that I found challenging was thinking of deep questions because I kept on thinking about basic questions. One thing that I enjoyed was Reject the questions because we had to think very hard about the questions. Here is the Questions that we have chosen to research.
Space Technology Questions

What is space technology?

Was space technology used differently in the past compared to the present?

Why are space technologies created?

How do space technologies affect Earth?

How do space technologies affect space?

What would happen if space technologies were destroyed?

What other space technologies are there?

Are space technologies safe in space?

What other space technologies are their?

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

👊 Tai Chi Reflection 👊

Talofa Lava and greetings to you all.
Related imageToday I have finished creating my Tai Chi reflection.Today our Power words was Teamwork. To me this word means working together as a team and not leaving anyone out. Here is my reflection that I have finished creating.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Kapa Haka

Kia Ora and greetings to you all.
Today I have finished writing a short reflection about the Kapa Haka lesson that we had in the middle block. I really enjoyed my Kapa Haka lesson because we learnt something new today and it was quite a challenge learning new words on the spot. One thing that I might do differently next time is to read the words instead of trying to memorize it straight away because I got the words mixed up. Here is my reflection that I have completed and here is a link to the song.

Tai Chi Reflection

Kia Orana and greetings to you all.
Image result for tai chiWelcome back to my blog and today I will be blogging about our Tai Chi lesson we had last week.I really enjoyed last weeks lesson because it was our week back from camp. My Positive comment was doing Abseiling for the first time and it was also my brothers birthday. My negative comment was doing orienteering because we had to walk up the same Hill three times and, I kept on slamming my hand in the prickle bushes.My Random act of kindness was cleaning my sisters room. Here is my reflection and to read it more clearly push the link down below.
Question: What Random act of kindness have you done this week?


Monday, 11 June 2018

Camp Booklet Tasks

Bonjour and Greetings to you all. 
Today i'm blogging about a task that I completed in my Camp Booklet. I chose to do the A-Z camp vocabulary and we had to think about a word that related to camp for every letter of the alphabet. I found this quite challenging because I had to really think about words for some of the letters. I really enjoyed this task because it was really fun thinking of words and having other words pop up in my head. The most words that I had for a letter was 4 and I had that many words for the letters A,M, C & P. I didn't have any words for the letter X because I found it challenging.

Here is what I have written in my book.

A- Archery, Adult Helpers, Abseiling & Achievement
B- Bunk Beds & BMX Track
C- Cabin, Cow Poo, Camp Buddy & Compass
D- Dormitries
E- Exploring
F- Flying Fox & Fia Fia night
H-High Ropes
I-Including Others
J-Jam & Toast
L-Low Ropes
M-More Teamwork, Marshmallows, Movie & Map
P-Participating and Contributing, Percy Jackson Movie, Pool, Parent Helpers
Q-Quality time with others
R-Rifle Range & Reflections
S- Skit
T- Team work
U- Understanding others point of view
V- View
W-Windmills & Working as a group
X- I had none for X 
Y- Yelling
Z- Zumba

I think that my next learning steps are to try and think of my own words and not to rely on others so much. Thank you for reading my work and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. Also if you had to work on this task what letters would you find challenging.

IALT:Reflect on the task that I have completed.