⛳ Jk's World of Golf ⛳
Kia Ora and greetings to you all.
Welcome back to my blog and today I will be talking about what I did at Jk's World of Golf ( Driving Range) at the Airport. Since I am in the youth in church, every thursday we have something we call Mutual. At Mutual we go and do some activities that relate to what we are learning at church. We get split up from boys and girls and we go into our age groups. From 12-13 you're a Beehive, from 14-15 you're a Mia Maid and from 16-17 you're a Laurel. I am in the class of Beehive and the people that showed up for Mutual in my class was Aja and Nita. Since Nita was turing 14 she is moving up to Mia maids and this was our last activity together. We didn't go to the driving range to just hit the ball by it's self. Our task was to write down bad distractions or habits that we have that stops us from being closer to our heavenly father. I really enjoyed this activity because it felt like things were getting lifted off my shoulders. I also enjoyed this activity because we had a lot of fun together and it was my first time going to the driving range. My favourite thing that we did was the dizzy bat challenge and the aim was to hit the ball the furtherest but, after spinning around 10 times. One thing that I need to work on is making sure that I try to keep the things that I hit away, far away from me so I can be closer to Heavenly Father. Thank you for reading my blog post and comment down below if there is any mistakes or what is the furthest you have hit a golf ball.

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