
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

If I Was a King

This is my writing that I have been working on and it is about my three laws.Here is My writing.

If I was a King.

If I was a king I would ban things that are bad for you because you might get sick,stay in hospital and even die.

The first Law that would be made is drugs are banned because they are so bad that they motivate your mind for you to do bad things and it makes you crazy and start fights. Also bad drinks will be banned.

The second Law I would make is that smoking would be banned because if you  are a mother and you smoke the toxic goes through your body and into the cylinder that is connected to the baby.The toxic can penitrait the center.The Fetists is espicialy sencitive that the nigitive is very dangerous.  

The last Law I would make is little kids will be able to come in my kingdom so I can teach them new things so they can come to get money,learn at my school,eat lollies and go to my church called The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints.

That is my Laws that I would make if I was a king.         

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