My Year Reflection - 2018
IALT: Reflect about 2018
Until the end of this term I have been at Tamaki Primary for a total of 8 years. Out of all the years i've had here at Tamaki Primary school this has definitely been my favourite year.
If I could describe 2018 in 3 words they would be Adventure, Fun and Memorable. I think that adventure would best describe 2018 because we have all been to different places together. I also thought that fun best fit this year because I really enjoyed spending time with everyone in our class. Lastly I think that Memorable would describe 2018 because we all have made moments together that we'll remember.

One achievement that i'm most proud of was me getting into the Student Council. I was really proud of myself because I tried last year but I didn't get in. I discovered a lot of new things about myself this year and one of the main things that I discovered was, that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I discovered this about myself when we did Abseiling at camp.
A new skill that I learnt this year was Leadership. I learnt this skill when I was doing my duties such as Wet day monitors and Breakfast club. This year I really enjoyed spending time with 5 different people and they were Aletheia, Kensington, Akanesi, Perenara & Fe'ao. I enjoyed spending time with these 5 people because they always made me laugh this year and it was fun playing different sports together.
One person that has made the biggest positive impact on me this year would have to be Aletheia. I chose Aletheia because this year she has always been encouraging me to try new things this year. I'm definitely going to be missing my peers from this school because it's been a great journey with most of them and we've made some of the best memories together at camp and in class.