
Monday 23 July 2018

My First Blog Reflection For Term 3 2018

My First  Reflection For Term 3 2018
Greetings & Welcome back to my Blog

I really enjoyed my holidays because I got to do so many cool things with my Family and Friends. I wish that the holidays weren't over but i'm excited to learn something new this Term.
Image result for term 3

One interesting thing that I did in the school holidays was visiting my Grandparents and my Great-Grandmother. When I was little I used to visit my Grandparents and Great-Grandparents all the time. I stopped visiting my Grandparents and my Great-Grandmother after my Great-Grandfather passed away. I was really sad because my Great-Grandmother moved to a retirement home and I didn't see her for a long time. In the first week of the holidays on Monday I went with my Auntie Losi and my sister Emali to see my Grandparents and Great-Grandmother for the first time in 5 years. I enjoyed going to my Grandparents house because my Grandmother made a 3 course meal like the kind of meal you would get at a Restaurant.

Image result for summerset karaka

Another interesting thing that I did was I went to my first Stake Youth Confrence on Saturday and Sunday. I really enjoyed the Saturday session because we went to the houses of members in our ward and we collected Canned Foods. We collected a lot of Canned Food and we gave them to homeless people and Parents that were struggling to feed their Families. I felt good while collecting all of the food because I knew that I was doing it for a good cause. One thing that was challenging was playing the Cup Pyramids because when we had to pick up our table our pyramid fell. One thing that I enjoyed doing was playing guess the song because our team won the game.

Image result for pyramid of canned food

One thing that i'm looking forward to this term is Kiwi sport. I'm really excited because this Term we are doing Boxing. I enjoyed doing Boxing in 2016 and I can't wait to do it again. When ever I do Boxing I get very energised and I enjoy learning different combos.  Boxing also helps me to relax if i'm angry because I get to focus on the combos instead of why i'm angry.

Image result for cartoon boxing gloves

This Term I really want to improve on my Maths because I have dropped my Maths level which isn't very good. I am going to focus on my Multiplication and Division because that is the parts I need to work on. I can improve on my Maths by practicing strategies at home and by thinking of different ways I could solve the equation. I think that my Dad could help me the most because he always thinks gives me hard equations and he corrects me most of the time. 

Image result for multiplication and division sign

I also think that I could improve on my Blogging. I need to start reaching a minimum of 15 Blog Posts per month. One way I could reach it is by Blogging twice a day everyday. I think that my Dad could also help me by making sure i'm on track when I take my Netbook home because I usually go off track. I also could help myself by making sure that I have Blogged at least twice a day before I do other things.
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That is the end of my reflection and I hope that you all of you have had a great holiday and you're looking forward to Term 3 as much as I am. 

Question: What are you wanting to improve on this Term?

IALT: Reflect on my holidays and set myself Goals for Term 3.

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