The Vile Volcano

IALT: Reflect on my poetry writing
This term our inquiry focus is Natural Disasters and for writing we were learning how to write poems. We combined poetry with Natural Disasters and then our task was created. Our task was to create a poem about the stages of a natural disaster. I really enjoyed writing my poem because I found it easy to find rhymes for my different topics. One thing that I found really challenging was trying to make sure that I had figurative language in every stanza. I used figurative language such as similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and personification.

I think that one thing that I could add to my poem would be having more onomatopoeias to give it more affect and to make my readers feel more emotions. I think that my next steps are to finish of my artwork that will go with my poem so I will be able to present it to my class.
Here is my poem that I have finished writing and here is my screencastify recording of me reading my poem with expression.
Question: What Natural Disaster do you know the most about?
The Vile Volcano
The Tectonic plates moved, from left to right,
And they walked away, like somebody ended the fight.
The Magma rose through the cracks, like it knew what to do,
But it was trapped in a Volcano, with no clue.
The Pressure built up, like helium in a balloon,
It was so tight inside the Magma Chamber, it was like a caterpillar in its cocoon.
On the side of the Volcano, a Bulge of Magma grew,
The more it filled with pressure, it looked like somebody ready to spew.
The Volcano couldn’t handle, the pressure inside,
Everybody started to remember, those that have died.
The feeling of fear, filled the air,
And we were all grateful for growing up, with Love and Care.
Run for cover everyone, it’s not an Earthquake.
The Lava shoots out the Crater, like a Firework into the night sky,
And it demolishes a house, like an arrow hitting the bullseye.
Everyone screams in terror, as the Lava flows down,
And everyone is wondering, is this the end of our Town?
The Lava concealed the Forest and all the Trees are gone,
But we tried to think positive and sing a song.
It was no help and we were wanting to escape,
We needed to rebuild our town, but it couldn’t be fixed with tape.
So we all took responsibility and we all did our part,
Our lives and town weren’t perfect, but they were at Heart.
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