
Friday, 30 May 2014

A load of junk

A Load of Junk
This task is about making inferences and describing a similar personal experience.

Read "A load of junk", pages 8-13, School Journal Part 1, Number 4, 1998.
Answer the questions below.

  1. What funny thing happens in this story?
The dad unloads his junk and the mum loads other peoples junk.

b) Fill in the chart below to show how each member of the family felt about the new load of junk and how they showed their feelings. The first one has been done for you.

How they felt
about the new junk
How they showed
their feelings
Her eyes sparkled
slapped his head
The child

c) i) What sort of person is Dad?
Loves his own junk
  1. What does Dad do or say in the story to show he is like this?
He says it is not junk it might come in handy one day

d) In what way does the saying, “One person’s junk is another person’s
treasure,” go with this story?
Mum thinks that dads treasure is junk

e) Describe a time from your own life when another person’s junk became
your treasure.
My dad bought my a toy from the second hand shop that some one thought that it was junk but I loved it.

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